건물 에너지 성능 진단 도구의 개발과 활용

  • 저자

    이준우, 김경재, 윤상철, 권오성

  • 출처

    대한설비공학회 2018년도 동계학술발표대회 논문집, 2018.11, 500-505 (6 pages)

  • Abstract

    To assess the building energy performance, an objective and quantitative tool is necessary. Many existing energy simulation programs provide a number of ways to calculate the energy requirements of a building and the energy consumption for facilities. There is a trade-off relationship between simulating the energy performance of a building easily and simply and deriving accurate and precise results to analyze detailed information of where the diagnosis is required. In other words, it takes a considerable amount of time and effort to obtain accurate results, or in opposite cases, it is difficult to obtain desired precision results. In order to achieve the desired accuracy and precision, simulation programs that do not meet the exact purpose are used or the heterogeneous simulation methods are used. This study deals with the development of a tool based on the standard procedures and methods to simulate the building energy performance and to diagnose HVAC-R systems and energy usage of individual facilities in order to derive appropriate levels of results for the building energy performance. And the study reports the accuracy and usability of the developed tool through the simulation result for an existing building.

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Development and Application of Building Energy Performance Assessment

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