건물 에너지 성능 시뮬레이션의 불확실성 분석 (학위논문)

Uncertainty analysis of building energy performance simulation


  • Authors: Junu Lee (master’s thesis)
  • Abstract:
    Building Performance Simulation(BPS) programs are used as the tools assessing performance of buildings in terms of energy use, thermal comfort, visual comfort and indoor air quality, etc. BPS is recently indebted for developments of computer science and software techniques, and is developed its analytical methods and user interfaces. Those make BPS widely used in the architectural engineering field, but the quality of results of BPS has to be validated because input files frequently include over 10,000 parameters. The performance assessments based on BPS are uncertain owing to unknown physical properties of the constructions and stochastic inputs, simplification, unmodeled dynamics and assumptions, etc.
    This paper reports what follows: 1) the sources of uncertainty in BPS, 2) methods considering uncertainty which is nonevitable, 3) uncertainty of the energy assessment based on building simulation, 4) comparisons of stochastic approach with deterministic approach.
  • Link: http://www.riss.kr/link?id=T12307139



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